May 28, 2008

One step forward

Here is a video of Reese walking. She actually took her first steps on her birthday, but she is getting it down better the last couple weeks. You are more then welcome to mute the sound. We (myself and Mason) get really excited when she walks. I'm really embarrassed of my fat voice. This is actually a toned down version of me getting excited because I knew it would be on tape. Oh and you can enjoy Mason doing some "exercising" for his game, which isn't till the middle of June.


Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

so sweet. it's amazing how fast they grow. i haven't forgotten about getting together. hopefully next week.

Unguren said...

I love the "I'm exercising" in the back ground. So cute. Congrats on the you are going to have a whole new list of things to deal with. It's too bad that learning to walk is bitter sweet.

Kammy T said...

Yeah Reesie! She really has got it down. I love her cute happy face!

Shannon said...

Cute! You should not be embarrassed of your voice in the video. (I'm way worse than that). I too love Mason exercising.

Leigh said...

How cute is that!! I love when they just start walking and they waddle back and forth. What a big girl!! Here's to many more milestones, mom!! I love the part when she claps for herself...too cute!!

Hayley's Comment said...

I know how loud you, your mom, Mason, and I yell! That was so fun before her party when she was just walking and we were SCREAMING we were so excited. I love that Mason gets happy for her too!