September 21, 2008

4 Years Ago Today!

Happy Birthday Mason! Mason was born 9/21/04 at 3:19 pm. He weighed 7lbs 12ozs and was 22" long. This was the most exciting day of our life up till then and I will never forget the first time I laid eyes on him. It makes my heart melt just thinking about it. I love this boy so much!!

Mason on his first birthday. He was such a happy baby and really easy! This picture looks a lot like Reese to me!

Mason at 2! He grew up so much through this year and showed me that a 1, almost 2 year old wasn't as easy as I first thought. I would soon realize that it gets even harder!

3rd birthday. What a difficult 2 year old he was! I love the kid so much, but I can still remember chasing him through a park so he wouldn't get hit by a car in the parking lot. Thankfully, right after his 3rd birthday, he seemed to be a little bit easier and would listen a lot better! He's always been such a happy boy, so I shouldn't complain!

Mason at his birthday party Friday night (I'll blog about that soon). He is the best little boy! This last year he has shown us his love for Super Mario Brothers and baseball! Mason will play baseball most of the day by himself and then the second his dad walks in the door from work, he is begging to play with him! Thankfully we have a great big play room where he is allowed to play inside. We are so grateful for Mason and all the happiness he brings to us! We are excited to see if our next little boy is anything like him!


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Mason!
I do see the resemblance to Reese in that 1 year old picture.

How fun to see him grow.

He does seem happy and energetic!

Mason, I hope ALL your birthday wishes come true!

Desiree said...

Wow! Our kids grow up so fast. Happy birthday Mason! Cute pics, and I love the newborn one.

Kammy T said...

I love looking at that newborn one! It was such a fun experience for me to come visit all by myself that night.

I always think its amazing to look at new-newborn pictures and see how much he looks like his big-boy self. Does that make sense?

Unguren said...

Happy Birthday Mason.

I agree with you I think him and Reese look a lot a like.

Anonymous said...

Angie and i were just talking about how if we lived close Bella and Mason would be friends....and she could boss him around just like Angie used to boss Damon!

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

crazy how much they grow up. maybe izy will settle down when she turns three too! congrats on the new baby boy!