August 11, 2009

Being 30

I feel old. I realize it could be worse. Everybody said "it isn't that bad". Well it was, for me anyway. I think leading up to the day was far worse than the actual day. I was in the worst mood all weekend. My family was afraid to even start a conversation with me. On the actual day, Derek took me and my sister and her husband out to dinner. We went to The Crab Pot. I had never been, but always wanted to go. They dumped steamed shellfish and crab legs on your table and then you dig in. Derek HATES seafood, except for fish and chips (like the kind that has an inch fried batter all around it). We had a good time, it was nice to get away for a couple hours!


Hayley's Comment said...

Yeah you finally got to go! And I love your shirt!

Kammy T said...

I was thinking the same thing Hayley! Totally cute!

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

I didn't know it was your birthday! i hope you had a good one. dinner sounds like it was fun. miss you. Someday let's get together!

Ashley said...

Happy birthday! You don't look old at all!!! Stephen loves that restaurant. I've never been there, but I'm like your husband and I only like the really fried fish and chips, no other seafood. :)

Unguren said...

I hope you had a good birthday! I love crab so it sounds like a lovely dinner.