April 12, 2009

Train Wreck

This is how my life is going right now. Pretty much a train wreck. I'm sure people love to stop and stare and are so happy that this isn't their life. I hope it gets better soon because I think I'm going crazy.


Candice said...

That's exactly how my day was today. Lily would only each sugar, so she kept having meltdowns. My "favorite" was the hour long meltdown during Sacrament Meeting. It's nice to know I'm not by myself.

Desiree said...

I love Reesies dress, but I love Mason in this pic. he is so relaxed about everything going on around him. I hope besides this you had a great Easter.

Melissa said...

It will get better! I have a picture like that with Kara SCREAMING and Jannessa trying to cover Kara's mouth which in turn made Kara even more angry....

Kammy T said...

Oh Carly. I'm right there with you, and I don't even have a newborn. Let's get together and commiserate soon.

Unknown said...

That's usually the way it is at our house. I can't believe I got all of my kids to look at the camera. I think they were just excited to get to church for Easter breakfast and an egg hunt. You should have been there for our Good Friday service. It was just like your photo. :) Oh, it was also rainy here for Easter. That was a bummer. You'll get through it...someday, maybe. At least your kids still look really cute even when they are crying. (((HUGS))) :)

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

oh, i so remember those days...not that my life is perfect now...it's still a train wreck many days! it does get better! like everyone says...just try and enjoy all the good moments as they really do pass quickly!

Unguren said...

That made me giggle.

If there are people looking at you, and are thankful that they don't have your life you should kick them in the shins and run. Then I am pretty sure that they will be wishing that they were you because your shins won't hurt.

Steve, Lynn & Brian said...

Oh Carly... that is priceless! While I'm sorry that life is so hectic, the upside is that for years to come you can taunt her with this photo. You know this will show up on her wedding video. Best of luck in the meantime!

Ashley said...

ME TOO! I should seriously just copy this post and paste it on my blog, because I feel the same way right now.