May 15, 2009

Birthday Girl!

Reese turned two today! We started off our day by going to Elmo Live!! My sister-in-law was able to get cheaper tickets through her YMCA. The kids loved it and Reese was so into it. My mom came and helped with the baby (thankfully he slept the whole time). For lunch, we met Derek at Red Robin. She was so shy when they sang "Happy Birthday" to her, I think she on the verge of tears! Her family party will be on Sunday and hopefully I can add some more picture then!!

I love this little girl so much! She is so smart, it truly amazes me. Mason couldn't even say 5 words when he turned two. Her vocabulary is endless and it is so fun to hear her put sentences together. She also can count to 12, recite every song from Yo Gabba Gabba, help me clean up toys at night, throw tantrums like you can't believe, tease her older brother, get up in the middle of the night and won't go back to bed, unlock my cell phone, call 911 on Derek's cell phone, talk on the phone to her aunt Kacey and cry when I tell her she has to say goodbye. Okay, I could go on forever, but I won't!



Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

so precious! how'd they like elmo live? they all grow up too fast huh!

Kammy T said...

Can't wait to party on Sunday! She is such a fun little girl. And so cute!

Melissa said...

She is so cute! Happy Birthday!

Ashley said...

Wow, fun! I'm glad she had such a happy birthday! Kirsten would love Elmo Live too, she is way into Sesame Street.

Unguren said...

I am a little late posting this but...I hope she had a great birthday!