September 10, 2009


Mason had his very first day of preschool on Wednesday. We had always planned for him to only go to one year of preschool, mostly for financial reasons. He's almost 5 so he is one of the oldest in class, and we really like that! He already loves it and got so excited today when I told him preschool was tomorrow. Here are the pictures we took before we left.

I hope he continues to love preschool as much as he did after the first day. He has never been away from me like this so I really think it's good for both of us and great for him to get ready for kindergarten. Love this little boy!


Unguren said...

Gavin started preschool too. Him and Mason are in the same boat, age wise. I am sure he is loving it!

Lisita said...

Yeah for Mason! We looked at Rose's Preschool too (noticed the bag). Looks like a great one!

Megan said...

Preschool is awesome! It really helps kids with social skills and helps them get used to the whole "classroom" thing. I think our church gets them ready as well. Go Mason! :)