July 13, 2009


I'm having a lot of cravings lately. I'm sure it's because I've been dieting for almost 2 months now and I'm going through withdrawals. The most disgusting craving I have right now are these, preferably from 7-11.

No wonder I'm overweight.

(No, I did not give into this craving. Someday I will, but not when I still have 28 pounds to go)


mom2jjk said...

28 lbs to go, so that means you have lost another 2? You go girl! I lost 3 in my first week. So far off to a great start for week 2. Thanks for your motivation. You are helping me even though we live 300+ miles apart! Everytime I am tempted to eat bad or let myself go for a day, I remember how well you are doing and I want it too!!!

Unguren said...

Mmmm. Nachos. I have never had the ones from 7-11 but at Costco they sell the big can of nacho cheese called Que Bueno. It is soo yummy. I have to talk myself out of not buying it every time because I would be the only one that would eat it. But just thinking about it makes me want to go get some.

Kammy T said...

Funny! I ate so many of these types of nachos when I was pregnant with Griffin from the AM/PM that was in between my two jobs. Don't give in! You're doing awesome!

Hayley's Comment said...

Funny, Jim loves those from 7.11 too