July 14, 2009

Telling it how it is...

Don't you just love what kids say? I do, some of the times.

Me: "Mommy needs to clean up this place!"

Mason: "Ok, I will just sit here and watch you."

Seriously, that is exactly how it is. I have tried so many times to get them to help me around the house. Especially with their toys. The only way I can get them to help is to say I have a treat for them afterwards. Then they run around cleaning up their toys as fast as they can. During that time, my mind is racing thinking of a "treat" to give them. And string cheese doesn't cut it. I've tried that before.


Unguren said...

I make my kids clean up. If they don't they get toys taken away. It seems to work.

Ashley said...

Kirsten is impossible too. She loves to throw toys everywhere and then laughs when I try to get her to help me pick them up. She's only 2, but still!

Anonymous said...

Honesty is the best policy...