September 4, 2007

A Day at the Fair!

On Saturday, Derek and I took the kids to the Evergreen State Fair. We had a such a great time...Mason had so much fun! He loved the animals and the rides. He went on the train ride with Derek and then went on some car rides and a motorcycle ride by himself. The motorcycle ride scared him at first, but he got used to it. The look on his face when it started was so sad. I just wanted to "save" him from his fear, but I didn't let him know that. He was fine after the first time around, but had a look of concentration the whole time - like he was really driving it! He loved petting the animals too. There was a mini horse, pigs and a baby calf that he could pet. Derek and I loved watching the look on Mason's face when he saw something he liked. I'm so glad we went and I'm sure we'll be doing it every year that we can. Mason talks about the fair everyday and at night I have to sing him songs about our day at the fair.
After a long day at the fair.


Kammy T said...

I'm so glad you guys went! When Laney rode the motorcycles they had to stop it after the first circle for a little boy to get off. She was loving it, but towards the end they had to stop it to adjust her because she was slipping off one side! Love the cute fair pictures!

Karine said...

How priceless is he! I just love this age because its as if there whole world opens up, and they can finally express themselves with words!
I am so glad your family had a wonderful time!