November 13, 2007

1/2 year old!

I can't believe my little angel is 6 months already! So cliche, but boy does time fly!! She had her check up yesterday and she's growing like a weed. She weighs 17lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long! That's 3 pounds in 2 months! She's not quite rolling over from back to belly or crawling, but this time around It doesn't seem to bother me. She has been eating baby food for a couple weeks now and absolutely loves peaches! I'm trying to give her new food too, but she cries if I put anything but peaches in her mouth. She also loves playing with her brother. He can make her laugh like no one else can. It's a joy to see them interact.
I always thought Reese and Mason looked alike, until I found this picture of Mason at 6 months. They definitely have their own looks. I'm thinking they have similar mouths but that might be about it! Needless to say, they are both EQUALLY adorable!


Kammy T said...

Oh my gosh! That second picture looks exactly like you, Carly!!!

Alisha Marlatt said...

So I was thinking the same thing, but I thought it looked like your brother, close enough right? Really cute pictures. I meant to comment on the 5k blog and they I forgot to. Good job! I don't think I could ever do that. I really hate running, but I truly admire those people that do run. You guys all look great!

Karine said...

Oh my goodness...she just gets cuter with each passing day. Her eyes are magnificent!
Isn't it interesting with the second child how you don't get so wrapped up in with what they are "supposed" to be doing at that stage.
You are doing a wonderful job with those precious children!