December 5, 2008

Blah, blah, blah!

I'm in a blogging slump. I'm sure there are many interesting things in my interesting life I could blog about but I can't think of any. Thanksgiving was good, but I didn't take any pictures :( We stayed home and had some of my Dad's side of the family come for lunch. It was nice to see everyone, but it was extremely quiet! The only kids were Mason, Jack (my sisters little boy) and Reese. Kacey and Dan got a new camera and took some pictures of the kids that turned out great. Hopefully I will get out of my slump and post more often. Sorry to all you faithful readers who keep coming back...don't give up on me!!
Okay, here are some cute pictures that my brother-in-law took of the kids from Thanksgiving Day!

Can you believe how grey his eyes are? I love them.

Reese was pretty much in a bad mood all day. She had a fever that lasted 48 hours the weekend before and still hasn't recovered from it. She is so clingy and only wants me to take care of her which is exhausting for me and frustrating for Derek. I love this picture though. Her lips and eyes are stunning, even if she isn't smiling!

I think my sister referred to this picture as "dumb and dumber" because of the looks on their faces. Very fitting.


Hayley's Comment said...

I was about to give up on you! So glad I didn't. Thanks for helping me procrastinate my paper! Keep them coming.

Desiree said...

I never knew Mason had grey eyes, I love them. I hope Reese feels better, and gives you a break. :)

Unknown said...

So cute!!

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

i'm totally in a slump worries. i have some fun stuff to blog about and i always take pictures thinking oh, i'll blog about this and then i just don't! we'll get better! so cupcakes on the 16th huh? that should be fun and interesting with all our kids! good thing we'll have hayley to help.