January 25, 2008


A 5 second conversation I had with Mason today left me speechless. It begins with Mason putting a toy basket over his head and stumbling over Reese, stepping on her head and causing her to cry.

Carly: Mason, you have to be very careful around babies.

Mason: Ohhhh, because they're really expensive?

How was I suppose to respond to that? I wondered how he would even know to say something like that? Probably because I tell him a lot that things are expensive. (ie. Wii, new toy, gumball). I find it a great excuse because he usually stops asking. So to answer him...

Carly: YES, they are very expensive.


Unguren said...

I used to tell Gavin a word he didn't know to get him to stop talking. But he got to the point of where he just asks what that means. Now I say those dreaded words "Because I said so." So next time Mason steps on Reese's head just say "Because I said so." Works like a charm.

Shannon said...

Cute conversation with your son!!!
I'm so glad you gave me your blog! I'll put you on my google reader, do you use that for blogs too? How did you come across mine.
We haven't had the baby yet, but we're getting excited!