March 2, 2008

Soccer Class

Mason has been in a soccer class since November. It's been kind of a stressful situation for us at times. He is very athletic so that wasn't the problem. It was his listening skills, or lack there of. We knew this going into it, but it was still hard to watch him for 50 minutes every Saturday morning. He even managed to get himself a time out a few times from the coach. In his defense it wasn't because he was naughty (hitting, pushing, biting), but because he was running around and not listening to the teacher. He has come a long way since November and it's not so hard for me to go and watch now. Next week is his last week, and needless to say I'm a little relieved. I think we'll enroll him again in September.

With all the complaining aside, I really am glad that we put him in this class. I think it's good for a child to be in a situation where somebody else is giving directions and teaching them. This last Saturday he followed every direction from the coach, it was a huge difference from week one. (oh and at least he wasn't the kid wearing jeans or rainboots to practice...I guess it could have been worse!)


Unguren said...

That sounds like a lot of fun for him. We are always debating on if we should put Gavin in some thing like that.

Hayley's Comment said...

I think it is great and you're right, he's learning social skills that will be valuable to him! I miss you!

Shannon said...

I think it's great you put him in soccer. What cute pictures, and certificate!

Unknown said...

it's all about growth! never where they are starting from- just if they are progressing- and slowly is a-ok- don't ever run yourself ragged getting them to too much- a class here and there is fantastic- just keep weighing the benefits- you are a great mom Carly! we want some pics. of you and Derek too! to me you are the kids still!