Today we drove out to Monroe to visit my sister-in-law Kammy (my brother Graham's wife) and her kids. Her boys are on spring break, so they had fun playing with Trevor. The little ones played good together, although Mason wanted to play with the "big" boys today. Jack and Mason were really into the Nintendo DS's that Griffin and Nolan were so nice to to share! Reese and Murphy (5 weeks apart) were so cute to watch - they actually played really good together. They also had McDonald's again today for lunch! Lucky kids!!
They all fell asleep on the way home and then immediately woke up when I got them out of their car seats (of course). Thanks for having us over today Kammy!! We had a lot of fun!! Kacey- Jack and Trevor are really excited to see you guys tomorrow! Have a safe trip home!!!
It was a fun and crazy day. Since it was pouring rain outside it was nice to have people to entertain my kids and some adult conversation for me! Thanks for making the trek.
So are you sad you no longer have trevor or jack? Things back to normal? I've been thinking about's been insane lately but need to see you! How's Mason doing on his reading?
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