April 21, 2008

Sticking to it!

I figured if I blogged about it I would be more likely to stay with my diet and exercise. I have totally slacked the last 4 months. I got burnt out, big time. I started dieting last August when I saw pictures of myself from Reese's blessing. I went on to lose 45 pounds in 4 months. I took a couple weeks off around Christmas. I thought I would get right back on it the first of the year but no such luck. I tried, and tried and tried. In that time of "trying", I managed to gain back 9 pounds! YIKES! So, I decided to switch gyms and get back on Weight Watchers. Our family joined the YMCA. So far I LOVE it. Mason loves the Adventure Zone. Reese hated the daycare. On the first day, I was paged 20 minutes into my workout to come and get her. She ended up getting sick that night so she hasn't been back yet (thank you mom for watching her). My goal is to try and go 5 to 6 times a week. Last week I went Mon, Tues, and Weds, until my mastitis was so bad I couldn't go. I felt like the biggest failure. I mean, my first week and I get sick! Stupid!! Anyway I stuck to my diet last week perfectly and never cheated! It totally paid off, I lost 5.2 pounds last week. So....this is what I'll be doing every day until I like what I see. I'm 15 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and about 35 pounds away from my ultimate goal. I seriously hope I can do it!


Unguren said...

Good job. Stick to it and you will be losing weight while I am packing it on.

Heather said...

That's awesome! I've been intending to go to the Y and putting it off. I'll let you know when I renew my membership, maybe we can meet up sometimes! Oh, and I love the videos of Mason reading. Makes me excited to start teaching Zoe!

Kammy T said...

Awesome Carly. I just wish we lived closer so we could workout together while our babies played together. You're the inspiration.

Kammy T said...

I just realized my comments sounded sarcastic. I meant them completely. You are always a good example of self-discipline, that's why you get skinny, you deserve it.

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

good job. i just started working out this morning. hopefully i'll stick with it too. we can check in on each other.

The Bredensteiners said...

I need to lose weight too!! I'm totally stuck 25lbs away from my goal weight (15lbs away from pre-pregnancy). I work out 5-6 times a week training for a half marathon in October but nothing is working! I know I should diet but I dont' really know how- and I definitely can't afford any weight loss programs! HELP!!